Monday, February 25, 2008

Esta página se esta volviendo un clásico de Internet: Lo que le gusta a la gente blanca.

La condescendencia de ciertas personas educadas de Norteamérica que tratan de parecer amigas de la “multiculturalidad” puede ser más insultante para algunos de nosotros que otras formas de racismo mas evidentes:

In general, white people love situations where they can’t lose. While this does account for the majority of their situations, perhaps the safest bet a white person can make is to buy a house in an up-and-coming neighborhood.

White people like to live in these neighborhoods because they get credibility and respect from other white people for living in a more “authentic” neighborhood where they are exposed to “true culture” every day. So whenever their friends mention their home in the suburbs or richer urban area, these people can say “oh, it’s so boring out there, so fake. In our neighborhood, things are just more real.” This superiority is important as white people jockey for position in their circle of friends.

Los pobres tambien se ganan su cuota de simpatía:
White people spend a lot of time of worrying about poor people. It takes up a pretty significant portion of their day.

They feel guilty and sad that poor people shop at Wal*Mart instead of Whole Foods, that they vote Republican instead of Democratic, that they go to Community College/get a job instead of studying art at a University.

It is a poorly guarded secret that, deep down, white people believe if given money and education that all poor people would be EXACTLY like them. In fact, the only reason that poor people make the choices they do is because they have not been given the means to make the right choices and care about the right things.

A great way to make white people feel good is to tell them about situations where poor people changed how they were doing things because they were given the ‘whiter’ option. “Back in my old town, people used to shop at Wal*Mart and then this non-profit organization came in and set up a special farmers co-op so that we could buy more local produce, and within two weeks the Wal*Mart shut down and we elected our first Democratic representative in 40 years.” White people will first ask which non-profit and are they hiring? After that, they will be filled with euphoria and will invite you to more parties to tell this story to their friends, so that they can feel great.

But it is ESSENTIAL that you reassert that poor people do not make decisions based on free will. That news could crush white people and their hope for the future.


JCV said...

Parece ser que el efecto colateral de la sociedad postindustrial es la hipocresía maquillada de la corrección política de algunos grupos comunitarios de ayuda a los pobre, de algunas religiones-ONGs o de algunos partidos políticos oportunistas y demagogos.

Idiotas como esos pretenden lavarse las manos y el alma para tratar de olvidar de dónde provienen sus fortunas y masturbar su ego con donaciones pírricas e insultantes.

Critican el asistencialismo de los gobiernos pero no son capaces de dar más allá del diezmo obligatorio a la hora de llamarlos a lista en sus comunicades religiosas.

Anonymous said...

Que buena página demuestra en que consiste esa actitud ("Holier than thou") que tienen la mayoria blanca en norteamérica les gusta sentirse tolerantes de la multiculturalidad pero en el fondo encontramos actitudes muy distintas.
"Get your head out of your ass" Maddox

Santiago said...

Lo peor de todo es cuando un gringo republicano cristiano le dice a uno " cualquiera puede ser millonario en los EEUU " y cuando uno le pregunta "Y usted por que no es millonario?" le responden a uno " porque escogi no serlo ... " ........